由于热带气旋“海伦”的影响,格鲁吉亚最高法院发布命令,宣布全州司法紧急状态,并延长正在进行的法庭诉讼的某些截止日期. More information and resources here »


Pro Bono Awards and Recognition

Pro Bono Awards, Honor Roll and ICLE Voucher Rewards


Pro Bono Honor Roll

The Pro Bono Honor Roll has been expanded to recognize three levels of pro bono service.

  • Silver: 至少接受过一起民事公益案件的律师, 在前一个历年协调乔治亚州的民事公益项目. 对于那些接受过至少三个民事公益案件的人, the State Bar Pro Bono Resource Center, 与持续律师能力委员会合作, 分发150美元的代金券,这些代金券可以用于支付乔治亚州的CLE项目的费用.
  • Gold: 达到乔治亚州职业行为规则中规定的50小时无偿服务的理想目标的律师.1(a) in the preceding calendar year.
  • Platinum: Attorneys who have exceeded the Rule 6.1(a) 目标是在前一年提供至少100小时的无偿服务.

The names of attorneys who have provided service at the Silver 水平每年由结构化律师协会提交给佐治亚州律师协会, 协调在公益资源中心注册的民间公益项目.

Attorneys who have provided service at the Gold and Platinum 水平,包括但不限于服务与注册程序,都是 requested to share with us their pro bono service hours during each annual reporting period. PLEASE NOTE: 荣誉名单将开放至2024年3月31日,接受2023年公益活动的提交.



  1. Pro bono attorney name.
  2. Georgia Bar number.
  3. Certification that, in the preceding calendar year, 根据《亚洲最大娱乐平台》的定义,律师提供了至少50小时/至少100小时的无偿法律服务.1(a).

前一历年无偿服务总时数. We do not publish the hours you share.

State Bar of Georgia Pro Bono Award Descriptions

The H. Sol Clark Award 以乔治亚州萨凡纳的前上诉法院法官克拉克命名, who is known as the “father of legal aid in Georgia.著名的克拉克奖授予在一项或多项将民事法律服务扩展到穷人的活动中表现出色的律师.

The William B. Spann Jr. Award is given each year to a local bar association, 乔治亚州的律师事务所或社区组织,开发了一个民事公益项目,满足了以前未被满足的法律需求,或将服务扩展到服务不足的人群. 该奖项以美国律师协会前主席和乔治亚州律师协会前执行董事的名字命名.

The Dan Bradley Award honors the memory of Georgia native and Mercer Law graduate Dan J. 布拉德利从1979年到1982年担任联邦法律服务公司总裁. 许多人认为他在挽救法律服务公司方面发挥了重要作用, 是哪个组织资助佐治亚法律服务项目和亚特兰大法律援助协会, from elimination in the early 1980s. 丹·布拉德利法律服务奖表彰亚特兰大法律援助或乔治亚州法律服务项目律师的工作,他们致力于为穷人提供高质量的法律服务,并提供平等的司法机会.

The A Business Commitment Award 是由乔治亚州律师协会公益资源中心颁发的以表彰个人律师在商业法律公益方面的贡献, 公司法律部门或律师事务所非营利社区和社区经济发展部门在格鲁吉亚.

The Law School Excellence in Access to Justice Award 是由乔治亚州律师协会司法公正委员会和乔治亚州律师协会青年律师部共同创立的. 法学院获得司法公正优等奖是开放给目前就读或从认可的格鲁吉亚法学院毕业的所有法律专业学生.

法学院司法公正优秀奖将表彰一个法律学生个人或法律学生团体或团体活动. 该奖项专门表彰在参与支持民事公益或法律援助项目中表现出色的法律专业学生,或开发或促进了民事公益项目的发展,以满足以前未被满足的民事法律需求,或为服务不足的人群提供扩展服务. 该奖也可特别表扬由法律系学生领导的团体或活动,这些团体或活动在解决社区民事法律需要方面表现出有效的机制,或其成员在为社区穷人提供民事法律服务方面表现出高度的参与和承诺.


State Bar of Georgia Pro Bono Award Recipients

H. Sol Clark
Francesca Rehal
Tom Reilly

William B. Spann Award
Georgia Lawyers for the Arts

Dan Bradley Award

Kristin N. Verrill

A Business Commitment Pro Bono Business Law Award

Alston & Bird LLP

Cheryl Naja Friend of Justice Award

Cheryl Naja

Law School Individual Excellence in Access to Justice Award

Stephanie Brito, 3L, Georgia State University College of Law
Briana Hayes, 3L, University of Georgia School of Law
Aditya Krishnaswamy, 2L, Georgia State University College of Law
Mia McKnight, 3L, University of Georgia School of Law
Alexander Smolyar, 3L, University of Georgia School of Law

H. Sol Clark Award
John H. Fleming

The William B. Spann Jr. Award
Georgia Association of Black Women Attorneys Foundation

The Dan Bradley Award
Kenneth J. Jones

The A Business Commitment Award
The Home Depot Legal Department

Law School Excellence in Access to Justice
Richmond Wrinkle, University of Georgia School of Law
Emory University School of Law Public Interest Committee

H. Sol Clark Award
Hon Dexter Wimbish
Martin Ellin

The William B. Spann Jr. Award

Corey Martin and The Law Offices of Martin & Associates

The Dan Bradley Award

Anne Carder, Atlanta Legal Aid Society

The A Business Commitment Award

Business Law Clinic, University of Georgia School of Law

Law School Excellence in Access to Justice

Peyton Stuart, University of Georgia School of Law
Paige Finley, University of Georgia School of Law